May 20 – July 20, 2024
Guam EPSCOR is funded by a 5-year, $20 million grant to the University of Guam from the National Science Foundation. The program aims to develop a Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals and Oceans to ensure the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems in the face of environmental change. Guam EPSCoR aims to situate Guam as a premier research and STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education hub bolstering sustainability, economic development, and informed decision-making by engaging communities in 21st-century science.
In addition to its research goals, Guam EPSCoR seeks to increase the number and diversity of students who choose STEM careers by engaging students in its research experience programs. The GECCO Summer Math Research Assistant (Summer Math RA) program aims to give undergraduate seniors or recent graduates in STEM fields an opportunity to gain experience as research assistants and near-peer mentors for undergraduate and high school students participating in UOG summer math research programs: GECCO Summer Math Research Experience (SMRE), National Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (NREUP), and Young Scholars Research Experience in Mathematics (YSREM).
Summer Math RAs will be able to work with students across all three summer programs and will gain knowledge about each research area as a result. Ideal candidates will have previous experience as participants in undergraduate research programs in math or other STEM fields.
UOG Summer Math Programs and Research Areas
- GECCO SMRE: Coral Reef Resilience – Students will study mathematical models of coral reef responses to adverse effects and stressors such as bleaching, disease, low water flow, and high turbidity.
- NREUP/YSREM: COVID-19 Vaccination in Guam – Students will build on a mathematical model describing the conditions under vaccination and quarantine with dangerous side effects.
- NREUP/YSREM: Information Theory – Students will learn the computational tools (Sage, MATLAB) to understand and test the existing codes in coding theory. For cryptography, these tools can also be used to design keys (Matrices) to encrypt and decrypt messages. Students will get an idea on what is needed to prevent eavesdropping from a third-party adversary.
Subject Matter Faculty: Dr. B. Bentlage and Dr. L. Raymundo
Program Benefits:
- Knowledge of research project areas
- Near-peer mentoring experience
- Teaching experience
- Skills in leadership and teamwork
- Faculty Mentorship
- Networking with participants in other summer research programs
- $4500 stipend
- UOG undergraduate senior or recent graduate majoring in Math, Computer Science, Biology, Engineering, or Chemistry (STEM).
- Must be a U.S. citizen and/or permanent resident of Guam.
- Able to commit to full 9 weeks of the Summer Math Research Assistant program.
- MA204: Calculus II or equivalent
Preferred Knowledge and Skills
- Proficient in using LaTeX and Beamer (or other program) for mathematical text and presentations.
- Proficient in MATLAB and/or R.
- MA375: Numerical Methods or other scientific computing experience.
- Preferred: MA301 Differential Equations, MA341 Linear Algebra, and MA385 Applied Statistics or MA387 Statistics for Science
- Hold technical workshops on LaTeX, MATLAB, R.
- Hold workshops on research ethics, presentation skills.
- Assist students with questions for all three programs.
- Help facilitate program activities, such as field trips and weekly seminars.
- Help facilitate orientation sessions for all three programs.
The University of Guam and Research Corporation of the University of Guam are Equal Opportunity Employers that have received NSF funding to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields. As such, the SMRA Program remains open to all qualified students, but women, minorities, and students with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Application Materials
- Application Form – Complete Online Application Form linked below.
- Letter of Reference – from a faculty member or researcher who can attest to your potential to succeed as a Summer Math RA. Please have them submit a letter to
- Personal Statement – 1-2 pages long (at least 250 words, no more than 1000 words). Your personal statement should describe why you wish to participate in this summer research program; what specific research area you are interested in and why; what relevant work or class experiences you have; what are your career objectives; and how participating in GECCO Summer Math RA program will support your academic/career goals. Upload your personal statement directly within the Online Application Form, or email to
- Unofficial transcripts – Upload a PDF copy of your most recent unofficial transcripts directly within the Online Application Form, or email to
Apply today!
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OIA-1946352