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Christopher Lobban, Ph.D.

Lobban, C.S. 2021. A new licmosphenioid, Licmophora complanata (Bacillariophyta: Fragilariophycidae), from Majuro Atoll, Central Pacific. Diatom 37: 60–65.

Lobban, C.S & G.H. Prelosky. 2022. Gomphotheca marciae (Bacillariophyceae: Bacillariaceae), a new species in a rarely seen genus. Diatom Research 37: 119–126. (open access)

Lobban, C.S., N. Bizsel & S. Blanco. 2022. Rimoportula distribution, heterovalvy and heteropolarity in Hyalosira (Bacillariophyta: Rhabdonematales), with revision of H. hesperia and two new species. Protist 173(3), Article 125869

Lobban, C.S., M. Ashworth, T. Camacho, D.W. Lam & E.C. Theriot. 2022. Revision of Ardissoneaceae (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae) from Micronesian populations, with descriptions of two new genera, Ardissoneopsis and Grunowago, and new species in Ardissonea, Synedrosphenia and Climacosphenia. PhytoKeys 208: 103–184.  [Monograph] (open access)

Lobban, C.S. & E.S. Santos. 2022. Licmophora species (Bacillariophyta: Licmophorales) from Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef) and Melbourne, Australia, in comparison with similar species from Guam: evidence for endemicity in a marine diatom genus. Australian Systematic Botany 35: 437–468.

Lobban, C.S. & M.P. Ashworth. 2022. Systematic placement of the necklace-chain genera Bleakeleya, Koernerella and Perideraion (Koernerellaceae fam. nov., Koernerellales ord. nov., Bacillariophyta). Notulae Algarum 264, 4 pp. [Note] (open access) Algarum No. 264.pdf

Lobban, C.S. & M.P. Ashworth. 2022. Homoeocladia C.Agardh reinstated for bilaterally symmetrical conopeate Nitzschia species (Bacillariaceae, Bacillariophyta). Notulae Algarum No. 267. 9 pp. [Note] Algarum No. 267.pdf (open access)

Lobban, C.S. 2023. Nitzschia venerata, sp. nov., a simulacrum for the conopeate, tube-dwelling diatom Nitzschia martiana, has scuta not conopea: a case of convergent evolution? Botanica Marina 66: 73–79.

Lobban, C.S. & T.A. Frankovich. 2023. Alveolate species of Mastogloia (Bacillariophyceae, Mastogloiales), including M. frickei Hustedt 1933 from Guam and two renamed species from Florida. Botanica Marina 66: 423–436

Lobban, C.S. 2023. Disymmetria reticulata, gen. nov., sp. nov. (Mediophyceae: Thalassiosirales), a new genus in Lauderiaceae emend., and transfer of Lauderia excentrica. Diatom 39: 25–30.

Lobban, C.S., B. Sison & M.P. Ashworth. 2023. The search for species flocks in marine benthic Homoeocladia spp. (Diatomeae: Bacillariales). I. Variations on three themes, seventeen new species. Plants 12, 4073. 1–45. (open access)

Papers in review

Lobban, C.S. & A. Witkowski. Marine benthic diatoms in the flora of Guam: New records, Dictyoneis apapae sp. nov., and updates to the checklist. Submitted to Micronesica 21 Aug. 2023 (as of 1 Feb. 2024 still pending reviews)

Lobban, C.S. & A. Witkowski. Simulacra in the diatom genus Diploneis (Bacillariophyceae: Naviculales): Caribbean D. gravelleana and other small, strongly constricted species resolved from ultrastructure. Submitted to Bull. Mar. Sci., 19 Sep. 2023 (as of 1 Feb. 2024 under revision)

Diatoms of North America

Lobban, C. (2023). Climaconeis. In Diatoms of North America.

Lobban, C. (2023). Licmophora. In Diatoms of North America.

Frankovich, T., Lobban, C., Ashworth, M. (2023). Microtabella. In Diatoms of North America.

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Robert Lasley, Ph.D.

Lasley, R. M. Jr., Lemer, S., Evans, N., Paulay, G. (in review). A second Caribbean land crab lineage (Sesarmidae) from Hispaniola complicates the role of ecological release in the invasion of land. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Lasley, R. M. Jr., Anker, A., Naruse, T. (accepted). Two new species and a new record of infaunal crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae, Varunidae) from Oman and Saudi Arabia. Zootaxa.

Lasley, R. M. Jr., Mendoza, J. C. E., Paulay, G. (2023). Revision of the Indo-West Pacific crab genus Soliella (Brachyura: Xanthidae: Etisinae): “pseudocryptic species” and basinal speciation. Systematics and Biodiversity.

Lasley, R. M. Jr., Evans, N., Paulay, G., Uyeno, D., Caravalho, S. (2023). First record of the Harlequin crab Lissocarcinus orbicularis, an obligate symbiont of sea cucumbers, from the Red Sea. Specimen.

Lasley, R. M. Jr., Evans, N., Paulay, G., Michonneau, F., Windsor, A., Irwansyah, Ng, P. K. L. (2023). Allopatric mosaics in the Indo-West Pacific crab subfamily Chlorodiellinae reveal correlated patterns of sympatry, genetic divergence, and genitalic disparity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 181: 107710.