Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA)
Dareon-Lou Rios
Mentor: David Combosch PhD
Thesis: The Population Genetic Structure of Acropora pulchra in Guam
Kelsie Ebeling-Whited
Mentor: Terry Donaldson PhD
Thesis: Mating Success of the Sixthalassoma Hardwicke, Bar Wrasse (Labridae) Utilizing Two Mating Strategies
Dareon-Lou Rios
Mentor: David Combosch PhD
Thesis: The Population Genetic Structure of Acropora pulchra in Guam
Kelsie Ebeling-Whited
Mentor: Terry Donaldson PhD
Thesis: Mating Success of the Sixthalassoma Hardwicke, Bar Wrasse (Labridae) Utilizing Two Mating Strategies
Karim Primov
Mentor: David Combosch PhD
Thesis: The Phylogenetics and Population Genomics of Cryptic Lineages of massive Porites on Guam
Victoria Moscato
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Thesis: Characterizing the role of heat stress resistance of the scleractinian coral Acropora surculose
Constance Sartor
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Ka’ohinhani Kawahigashi
Justin Berg
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Thesis: Here’s the Dirt: Sedimentation Effects on Coral Microbiomes
Kenzie Pollard
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Thesis: Cryptic speciation and dispersal potential of Trapezia bidentata throughout the Indo-Pacific
Colin Anthony
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Therese Miller
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Thesis: The microbiome of the staghorn coral Acropora pulchra from West Hagåtña Bay
Carlos Tramonte
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Grace McDermott
Mentor: Laurie Raymundo PhD
Sarai Vega
Mentor: Atsushi Fujimura PhD
Mackenzie Heagy
Mentor: Tom Schils PhD
Joseph Proietti
Mentor: David Combosh PhD
Karina Mejia
Mentor: Daniel Lindstrom PhD
Olivia Barry
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Pablo De La Vega Basurto
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Reilly Kleven
Mentor: Tom Schils PhD
Courtney 'Star' Dressler
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Andrew O’Neil
Mentor: Atsushi Fujimura PhD
Grace Jackson
Mentor: Tom Schils PhD
Garret O’Donnell
Mentor: David Combosch PhD
Lauren Kallen
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Zoe Trumphour
Mentor: Heloise Rouze PhD
Xavier De Ramos
Mentor: Ciemon Caballes PhD
Student Research Experience (SRE)
Year 1 (2021)
Onglibl Diana Rae Lakobong
Mentor: Terry Donaldson PhD
Project: Diatoms species diversity between latitudinal climate gradient of the northern and southern regions of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Laura Caser
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Project: Characterization of the coralivorous snail Drupella on Guam, using Genetic Analyses
Ariana Orallo
Mentor: Laurie Raymundo PhD
Project: Differences in Competitive Ability Between Two Colors Morphs of Porites cylindrica
Mercy Gilniy
Mentor: Tom Schils PhD
Project: The Population Genetic Structure of Acropora pulchra in Guam
Merry Jubiliane Remetira
Mentor: Atsushi Fujimura PhD
Project: The Relationship between Seagrass Cover and Water Physicochemical Parameters in Achang Bay, Guam
Louise Pascua
Mentor: Daniel Lindstrom PhD
Project: Genetic Barcoding of all Amphidromous Nerite and Thiaridae Snails Native to Guam
Year 2 (2022)
Monita Paule
Mentor: Christopher Lobban PhD
Project: The Diatom Plagiotropis as a Test for Regional Endemicity in a Marine Microbe
Lynn Grace Galang
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Project: Taxonomic and Genetic Diversity of the Corallivorous Snail, Drupella spp., on Guam
Antoni Aleksander Badowski
Mentor: Daniel Lindstrom PhD
Project: Genetic Barcoding of all Amphidromous Shrimp Native to Guam
Hunter Edmund Sidell
Mentor: Daniel Lindstrom PhD
Project: Genetic Barcoding of all Amphidromous Shrimp Native to Guam
Louise Pascua
Mentor: Daniel Lindstrom PhD
Project: Genetic Barcoding of All Amphidromous and Freshwater Nerite and Thiarid Snails Native to Guam
Gabriella Piper
Mentor: Terry Donaldson PhD & Christopher Lobban PhD
Project: The Population Genetic Structure of Acropora pulchra in Guam
Rita Edrianna G Taitague
Mentor: Terry Donaldson PhD & Christopher Lobban PhD
Project: The Population Genetic Structure of Acropora pulchra in Guam
Anela Eliza K Duenas
Mentor: Tom Schils PhD
Project: Succession of Crustose Calcifying Red Algae Communities in Experimental Versus Natural Environments
Zaine Benavente
Mentor: David Combosch PhD
Project: Genetic Barcoding of Cryptic Massive Porites Species in Guam’s Reef Flats
Jacquelyn Renee Cabusi
Mentor: Atsushi Fujimura PhD
Project: Evaluating the Impact of Anthropogenic Chemicals on Coral Health
Year 3 (2023)
Cassandra Paule
Mentor: Ciemon Caballes PhD
Madeline Gonzalez
Mentor: Sarah Lemer PhD
Anna Mallari
Mentor: Bastian Bentlage PhD
Merry Ann Ocampo
Mentor: Christopher Lobban PhD
Brandon Respicio
Mentor: Heloise Rouze PhD
Summer Math Research Program (SMRP)
Year 1 (2021)
Leslie Aquino PhD
Hyunju Oh PhD
Jaeyong Choi PhD
Bastian Bentlage PhD
Laurie Raymundo PhD
Summer Math Research Assistants (SMRA)
Regina Mae Dominguez
Jaron Bautista
Summer Math Research Experience (SMRE)
Aaron Bumagat
Michelle Lucas
Loreto Paulino
Ethan Vargas
Year 2 (2022)
Leslie Aquino PhD
Hyunju Oh PhD
Jaeyong Choi PhD
Bastian Bentlage PhD
Ciemon Caballes, Ph.D.
Summer Math Research Assistants (SMRA)
Jovic Cassi
Cabrini Aguon
Summer Math Research Experience (SMRE)
Christine Barrozo
Ernie Samelo
Project: A Mathematical Model of Coral Response to Disease with Bleaching and Algae Interactions within the Island of Guam