UOG study: Light, in addition to ocean temperature, plays role in coral bleaching


A study by University of Guam researchers has found that shade can mitigate the effects of heat stress on corals. The study, which was funded by the university’s National Science Foundation EPSCoR grant, was published in February in the peer-reviewed Marine Biology Research journal.

“We wanted to see what role light has in coral bleaching,” said UOG Assistant  Professor and EPSCoR Co-PI Bastian Bentlage, the supervisor and co-author of the study. “Usually, people talk about temperature as a cause for bleaching, but we show that both light and temperature work together.

Previous UOG research led by EPSCoR Lead Researcher Laurie J. Raymundo found that more than one-third of all coral reefs in Guam were killed from 2013 to 2017 over the course of multiple bleaching events. Coral bleaching is the process in which corals stressed by environmental changes expel the essential symbiotic algae that live in their tissues, causing them to turn white and often die.

This latest study examined the resilience of staghorn corals (Acropora cf. pulchra) in heightened seawater temperatures. This species of coral is one of Guam’s dominant reef-builders, and its habitats experience temperatures up to 97 degrees Fahrenheit during the hottest months of the year, leaving it vulnerable to bleaching episodes and population decline.

A team of researchers — including lead author Justin T. Berg, a UOG graduate student and EPSCoR Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) studying biology; Charlotte M. David, an undergraduate student from the University of Plymouth (England), and Melissa Gabriel, a UOG graduate student and EPSCoR GRA studying environmental science — took coral samples from the Hagåtña reef flat and examined their health in the UOG Marine Laboratory under normal and elevated temperatures.

“One group was subjected to consistent baseline temperatures observed on Guam’s reef flats,” Bentlage said, “and another was set to temperatures that are projected to become the new normal over the next couple of decades.”  

The researchers found that the corals took three weeks to recover from a week-long heat stress event. The experiment was then replicated to see how the corals would react if they were given shade while subjected to warmer temperatures.

“We found that when we put the shading over coral with increased seawater temperatures, it greatly increased photosynthetic yield of the symbiotic algae. Shade made a huge difference for coral health when you have high temperatures,” Berg said.

Implications for reef management

Shading is a practice already used in coral nurseries, Bentlage said, but it may not be practical to shade whole reefs in the ocean. Future studies can look into practical ways to reduce the impact of light on corals, particularly as they recover from periods of elevated temperatures.

“We saw the corals recover rather slowly,” Berg said. “The length of recovery indicates that corals are vulnerable during this time and management efforts may be particularly necessary during this period to reduce coral mortality.” 

Berg said the new knowledge may also help inform the best locations to successfully outplant corals.

“For example, slightly turbid waters could provide some shading to corals, making them less likely to bleach during periods of elevated sea surface temperatures,” Berg said.

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Staghorn corals in the reef flat off Hagåtña appear bleached as a response to stress from environmental changes. As one of Guam’s dominant reef-builders whose habitat experiences temperatures up to 97 degrees Fahrenheit, this species was used in a University of Guam study published in February that found that shade can mitigate the effects of heat stress on corals.

UOG welcomes back to shore the first Pacific Islander to reach the deepest point of the ocean


University of Guam President Thomas W. Krise, along with representatives from UOG Sea Grant and Guam EPSCoR, greeted Nicole Yamase on her return from the deepest known point in the world’s oceans on March 13, 2021, at the Port Authority of Guam.

Yamase, a native of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Hawai’i, made history the week of March 8, 2021, as the first Pacific Islander to descend to the ocean’s deepest known point — the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

Yamase’s voyage took place in the Limiting Factor, a commercial deep-submergence vehicle that holds the record for the deepest manned descent in the Challenger Deep. The full dive took 10 hours and reached 35,764 feet below sea level.

“This expedition was not only an opportunity to conduct science but also an opportunity to share my culture with the world,” Yamase said.

For her trip, Yamase brought two FSM flags along with a small wooden canoe in honor of her ancestors.

In addition to the UOG teams, Yamase was welcomed to shore by Port Authority General Manager Rory Respicio and representatives from the Micronesia Conservation Trust and The Micronesia Challenge.

As a recipient of the Bill Raynor Micronesia Challenge Scholarship, which is awarded through Micronesia Conservation Trust, Yamase was asked by the Micronesia Conservation Trust to represent the FSM on this voyage.

After departing on March 8 for a 30-hour journey to the Mariana Trench aboard the research vessel Pressure Drop, Yamase dove in the Limiting Factor, the world’s only private submersible capable of reaching “full ocean depth” of 36,000 feet. The vehicle, a Triton Submarines 36000/2, was piloted by Victor Vescovo, a world record holder, researcher, scientist, and adventurer.

“It was an honor to be there for Nicole when she returned to land and celebrate her historic accomplishment,” said Austin Shelton, director of UOG Sea Grant and a board member of the Micronesia Conservation Trust. “I’m so thankful and excited for all the new Micronesian marine scientists she is surely inspiring.”

Yamase’s research focuses on the effects of climate change on the marine plant community to help predict the future health of coral reefs. Yamase has now returned back to Hawaii to continue her doctoral studies.

In the past, the UOG Marine Laboratory has collaborated on voyages to the Mariana Trench, most notably on James Cameron’s National Geographic and Rolex Deepsea Challenger expedition in 2012.

Link to original article.

Prospective graduate students: Study coral reefs, gain research experience, have tuition waived, and earn $18,000!

EPSCoR Flyer GRA 2021 Final Social Media Square 020121
EPSCoR Flyer GRA 2021 Final Social Media Square 020121

Are you a prospective graduate student interested in ensuring the sustainability of coral reefs and the marine environment?

If you’re self-motivated, well-organized, and have a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Environmental Science, or related field, Guam EPSCOR has a valuable graduate student research experience for you — and it’s paid!

The Graduate Research Assistantship is a three-year-long program designed to train graduates in scientific research. Selected students will benefit from a tuition waiver of up to 12 credits per semester for the pursuit of a master’s degree, research training, faculty mentorship, possible travel opportunities, and an $18,000 annual stipend ($1,500 per month).

Selected applicants will choose to specialize from the following disciplines: Ecology, Genomics, and/or Oceanography. Depending on chosen specialization, students may learn about DNA extraction and sequencing and/or how to read and analyze data to characterize marine environments. The program may involve hands-on fieldwork to investigate coral reefs or to deploy and retrieve oceanographic instruments while working at the UOG Marine Laboratory. Graduate students will also receive support for their individual thesis defenses.

The program seeks to increase the number and diversity of students who choose careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). All qualified students are encouraged to apply, in particular women, minorities, and students with disabilities.

The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm on March 31, 2021, and accepted students will be notified by April 14, 2021.

Late applications may be considered until the UOG Masters Application Deadline, pending availability of positions.

For more information, contact Sho Hammond at hammonds@triton.uog.edu.

You may download an application by clicking the button below.

Undergrads: Study coral reefs, gain research experience, and get paid!

EPSCoR Flyer SRE 2021 Application Match V1.2 Resize for Social Website Removed

Are you an undergraduate student interested in ensuring the sustainability of coral reefs and the marine environment? If you’re self-motivated, well-organized, and trained in basic lab procedures and microscopy, Guam EPSCOR has a valuable student research experience for you — and it’s paid!

The Student Research Experience program, which will take place from January-December 2021, is designed to train undergraduates in scientific research specific to coral reef ecosystems. Selected students will benefit from research training, faculty mentorship, possible travel opportunities, and a stipend of $500 per month.

The program may involve hands-on fieldwork to investigate coral reefs or to deploy and retrieve oceanographic instruments as well as work in the UOG Marine Laboratory’s Molecular Lab. Students will learn about DNA extraction and sequencing and/or how to read and analyze data to characterize marine environments.

The program seeks to increase the number and diversity of students who choose careers in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). All qualified students are encouraged to apply, in particular women, minorities, and students with disabilities.

The University of Guam and the Research Corporation of the University of Guam are equal-opportunity employers that have received National Science Foundation funding to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields.

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2020, and accepted students will be notified by Dec. 18.

Requests for applications may be directed to Sho Hammond at hammonds@triton.uog.edu. For more information, visit www.guamespscor.uog.edu.

About Guam EPSCOR
The Guam EPSCOR program at the University of Guam is funded by a five-year, $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The program aims to develop Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals & Oceans (GECCO) to ensure the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems in the face of environmental change. Guam EPSCoR aims to situate Guam as a premier research and STEM education hub bolstering sustainability, economic development, and informed decision-making by engaging communities in 21st-century science.

EPSCoR Flyer SRE 2021 Final

Link to original article: https://www.uog.edu/news-announcements/2020-2021/2020-uog-undergrads-epscor-program.php

University of Guam secures $20 million to expand coral research

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2019 uog biorepository kelokelo web
Mildred Kelokelo, a graduate biology student at the University of Guam, documents a reef fish using equipment in the University of Guam Biorepository in 2019. The biorepository, established under the five-year Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium grant project, is an online-accessible collection of specimens facilitating marine biodiversity research.

The University of Guam has been awarded $20 million to expand its research capabilities on coral reef survival in rapidly changing environmental conditions. The five-year grant is from the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, more commonly referred to as EPSCoR, and will considerably expand upon work undertaken during the previous five-year, $6 million Guam EPSCoR grant project, the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium.

“This is a major grant award which not only validates and expands on the research work of Guam EPSCoR, our Marine Laboratory, and our partners, but it also further establishes the University of Guam as an emergent research institution in the Pacific region,” said UOG President Thomas W. Krise.

Starting July 1, the new grant project — titled the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals and Oceans, or GECCO — will increase the collection, documentation, integration, and analyses of complex genetic and oceanographic data from reefs within the region. These research activities are necessary to understand the evolutionary and ecological processes that drive resilience in coral reefs under stress from climate change and other factors and could provide valuable insight into the development of
viable management strategies.

Dr. Terry J. Donaldson, professor of ichthyology at the UOG Marine Laboratory and the principal investigator and project director, said the need for modern, cutting-edge studies on reef ecosystems is urgent.

“Island communities of the Western Pacific and all around the world depend on coral reef ecosystems, but the reefs are struggling to survive amid our rapidly changing climate,” he said. “Guam has the nation’s most diverse and complex coral reefs, so the UOG Marine Lab is the best place to do this research and inform how we can better protect this vital ecosystem.”

Data collection

The research team, led by Dr. Bastian Bentlage, assistant professor of bioinformatics at the Marine Lab, will collect and analyze genetic, genomic, oceanographic, and ecological data sets. New collections of marine biodiversity from the region will be curated, imaged, and mapped, and specimens — including cryo-preserved tissues for genomics research — stored in the UOG Biorepository along with historical collections dating back more than 50 years. Specimens and field collection data will be digitized and posted in the biorepository’s online-accessible database that was established during the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium, providing the scientific community with an invaluable resource for marine biodiversity research.

Big-data analyses

Mathematical models will use the data gathered to better predict changes in our reef ecosystems. To facilitate this ambitious research project, UOG’s ability to conduct big-data analyses will be expanded by establishing a high-performance computing cluster on its campus and by strengthening its collaborative network with other research institutions.

Techniques and technology

The new grant will utilize cutting-edge instrumentation and innovative techniques, including:

  • hyperspectral scanning to automate mapping of reef communities;
  • DNA barcoding to facilitate identification of reef organisms, including coral microbiomes, and their role in the stress response of coral reefs;
  • seascape genomics, integrating genomics, and oceanographic modeling to trace connectivity between coral reefs within the region; and
  • micro-CT scanning techniques within the Biorepository to further the understanding of the morphology of marine organisms on reefs and promote a greater understanding of their taxonomic diversity.

“Coral reefs in the Marianas Archipelago are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, and Guam represents the United States’ only foothold in the region. This award provides researchers the opportunity to explore these coral reef systems and understand current biodiversity challenges concerning how they respond to climate change,” said NSF EPSCoR Program Manager John-David Swanson. “In addition to improving infrastructure in the jurisdiction, this project aims to target underserved communities and develop innovative programs for STEM education and workforce development.” 

Education and collaboration

The grant will grow UOG’s research capacity by funding new and visiting faculty positions and post-doctoral fellowships to conduct research, teach specialized courses at the university, and engage graduate and undergraduate students in research.

Beyond research, the GECCO project will develop innovative STEM education and community engagement programs — an effort that will led by Dr. Austin Shelton, assistant professor of extension and outreach — and collaborations within the national and international research communities, an effort that will be led by Dr. Rachael Leon Guerrero, vice provost for research and sponsored programs.

Link to original article: https://www.uog.edu/news-announcements/2019-2020/2020-university-of-guam-secures-20-million-to-expand-coral-research.php

Coral research director at UOG elected to head regional association

headshot terry donaldson

Professor Terry J. Donaldson of the University of Guam has been voted president-elect of the Western Association of Marine Laboratories. Donaldson serves as the principal investigator and project director for Guam EPSCoR, a $6 million research grant to study the effects of climate change on coral reefs, and was the former director of the UOG Marine Laboratory.

WAML, a regional subsidiary of the National Association of Marine Laboratories, is a network of nonprofit marine laboratories in the Western United States and Pacific Islands that aims to stimulate research and promote education in the marine sciences and to identify problems unique to nonprofit marine laboratories within its jurisdiction.

“My service as president-elect of WAML will be beneficial to the University of Guam, the UOG Marine Laboratory, and Guam EPSCoR in that the linkages, collaborations, and joint research funding opportunities I help to develop and participate in will promote Guam as a premier destination for coral reef research,” Donaldson said.

Additionally, he said, the association works to represent the interests of its member laboratories on both a regional and national scale.

The UOG Marine Lab has been a member of both WAML and NAML since 1986. Donaldson first represented the university in WAML when he was the director of the Marine Lab from late 2013 to early 2016 and maintained the role afterward.

In addition to his duties as president-elect, Donaldson will simultaneously serve as vice chairman on the board for a two-year term. He will then take the role of president in October 2021. He was elected during the associations’ Fall Biennial Meeting, held Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Ore.

His appointment comes as the UOG Marine Lab ushers in its 50th anniversary year.

Link to original article: https://www.uog.edu/news-announcements/2019-2020/2020-coral-research-director-at-uog-elected-to-head-regional-association.php

Guam EPSCoR Graduate Research Assistant Justin Berg receives 2020 Graduate Student Award

Congratulations to UOG Graduate Student Justin Thomas Berg for being recognized with the 2020 Graduate Student Award from the UOG Office of Graduate Studies.

The 2020 Graduate Awards is an annual competition recognizing excellence, innovation, and impact within the graduate degree programs.

Berg is expected to receive his Master of Science Degree in Biology at UOG in Spring 2021. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware, double majoring in biology and pre-veterinary medicine and animal biosciences with a minor in chemistry.

He currently is studying the effects of sedimentation on the coral microbiome in southern Guam, specifically how runoff affects the coral microbiome in a degraded watershed. Berg works at the UOG Marine Laboratory in the Bentlage Laboratory and helps with the coral restoration efforts in the Raymundo Laboratory. Berg is also a Guam EPSCoR Graduate Research Assistant and represented the UOG Marine Laboratory at the National EPSCoR conference in October 2019 in South Carolina.

“It’s truly an honor to be recognized for the work that I have applied myself at the University of Guam. I would like to thank the University for this recognition. I would like to thank Guam EPSCoR for their funding and allowing me to work on my high-level, impactful thesis. I would like to thank students, faculty, and boat captains at the UOG Marine Laboratory for the support towards my thesis. Most importantly, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Bastian Bentlage. Bastian is a true role model in the lab and pushes me to do better every day. Thank you for this honor! Si yu’os ma’åse,” Justin Berg.

After he completes his graduate studies, Berg aims to receive his doctorate degree and teach in a research university.

Dr. Bastian Bentlage, assistant professor of bioinformatics, UOG Marine Laboratory, says Berg received the award because he not only excels academically in the MS Biology program but he also volunteers his time to serve the program in many ways including being the program’s student representative and providing extensive mentorship to UOG undergraduates and Guam high school students who pursued research internships with Guam EPSCoR program.

“Justin is an exceptional graduate student, excelling both academically and as a mentor shaping the experiences of our student interns. I am very happy that Justin’s efforts are being recognized with this award and feel blessed to serve as his advisor,” Dr. Bastian Bentlage,

On behalf of the entire Guam EPSCoR Team, Congratulations Justin!

University of Guam secures $20 million to expand coral research

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The University of Guam has been awarded $20 million to expand its research capabilities on coral reef survival in rapidly changing environmental conditions. The five-year grant is from the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, more commonly referred to as EPSCoR, and will considerably expand upon work undertaken during the previous five-year, $6 million Guam EPSCoR grant project, the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium. 

“This is a major grant award which not only validates and expands on the research work of Guam EPSCoR, our Marine Laboratory, and our partners, but it also further establishes the University of Guam as an emergent research institution in the Pacific region,” said UOG President Thomas W. Krise.

Starting July 1, the new grant project — titled the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals and Oceans, or GECCO — will increase the collection, documentation, integration, and analyses of complex genetic and oceanographic data from reefs within the region. These research activities are necessary to understand the evolutionary and ecological processes that drive resilience in coral reefs under stress from climate change and other factors and could provide valuable insight into the development of viable management strategies.

Dr. Terry J. Donaldson, professor of ichthyology at the UOG Marine Laboratory and the principal investigator and project director, said the need for modern, cutting-edge studies on reef ecosystems is urgent.

“Island communities of the Western Pacific and all around the world depend on coral reef ecosystems, but the reefs are struggling to survive amid our rapidly changing climate,” he said. “Guam has the nation’s most diverse and complex coral reefs, so the UOG Marine Lab is the best place to do this research and inform how we can better protect this vital ecosystem.”

The research team, led by Dr. Bastian Bentlage, assistant professor of bioinformatics at the Marine Lab, will collect and analyze genetic, genomic, oceanographic, and ecological data sets. The research team consists of Dr. David Combosch (genetics), Dr. Atsushi Fujimura (oceanography), Dr. Sarah Lemer (genomics), Mr. David Burdick (Biorepository Collections Manager), Dr. Laurie Raymundo (coral ecology), Dr. Tom Schils (phycology), Dr. Dan Lindstrom (genetics), Dr. Leslie Aquino (modeling), Dr. Hyunju Oh (modeling), and Dr. Jaeyong Choi (statistics).

New collections of marine biodiversity from the region will be curated, imaged, and mapped, and specimens — including cryo-preserved tissues for genomics research — stored in the UOG Biorepository along with historical collections dating back more than 50 years. Specimens and field collection data will be digitized and posted in the biorepository’s online-accessible database that was established during the Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium, providing the scientific community with an invaluable resource for marine biodiversity research.

Mathematical models will use the data gathered to better predict changes in our reef ecosystems. To facilitate this ambitious research project, UOG’s ability to conduct big-data analyses will be expanded by establishing a high-performance computing cluster on its campus and by strengthening its collaborative network with other research institutions.

The new grant will utilize cutting-edge instrumentation and innovative techniques, including:

  • hyperspectral scanning to automate mapping of reef communities;
  • DNA barcoding to facilitate identification of reef organisms, including coral microbiomes, and their role in the stress response of coral reefs;
  • seascape genomics, integrating genomics, and oceanographic modeling to trace connectivity between coral reefs within the region; and
  • micro-CT scanning techniques within the Biorepository to further the understanding of the morphology of marine organisms on reefs and promote a greater understanding of their taxonomic diversity.

“Coral reefs in the Marianas Archipelago are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, and Guam represents the United States’ only foothold in the region. This award provides researchers the opportunity to explore these coral reef systems and understand current biodiversity challenges concerning how they respond to climate change,” said NSF EPSCoR Program Manager John-David Swanson. “In addition to improving infrastructure in the jurisdiction, this project aims to target underserved communities and develop innovative programs for STEM education and workforce development.”

2019 uog biorepository burdick

The grant will grow UOG’s research capacity by funding new and visiting faculty positions and post-doctoral fellowships to conduct research, teach specialized courses at the university, and engage graduate and undergraduate students in research.

Beyond research, the GECCO project will develop innovative STEM education and community engagement programs — an effort that will led by Dr. Austin Shelton, assistant professor of extension and outreach — and collaborations within the national and international research communities, an effort that will be led by Dr. Rachael Leon Guerrero, vice provost for research and sponsored programs.

Guam EPSCoR PI selected as president-elect for Western Association of Marine Laboratories

headshot terry donaldson
headshot terry donaldson

Dr. Terry Donaldson, Guam-EPSCoR principal investigator and project director, was voted president-elect of the Western Association of Marine Laboratories (WAML). 

His election was held at WAML’s meeting held in conjunction with the National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML) Fall Biennial Meeting from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. In addition to his assigned duties, he will also serve as vice chair of WAML’s Board of Directors for a two-year term. 

WAML is a regional subsidiary of NAML and its membership includes non-profit marine laboratories operated by federal, state, university and other non-profit organizations in the Western United States and Pacific Islands.  WAML’s mission is to stimulate research, promote education in the marine sciences, and provide a forum for the resolution of problems common to non-profit marine laboratories in the United States.

The association encourages the wise use and conservation of marine and coastal resources. For more information about WAML and NAML, please go to www.naml.org.

UOG alumna enters doctorate program at University of Newcastle

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20190509 mildred kelokelo thesis 09257

Former Guam-EPSCoR Research Fellow and University of Guam Marine Laboratory graduate student Mildred Kelokelo has been admitted to the doctorate program at the University of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia.

Kelokelo will study coral farming techniques towards developing, implementing and managing reef restoration efforts in the western Pacific. Her research, which begins in January 2020, will be supported by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).  

A native of Alotau, Papua New Guinea, Kelokelo worked at the UOG Marine Laboratory’s Biorepository with support from the National Science Foundation-EPSCoR grant to UOG.  Her thesis research focused upon sexuality and sex change in the arc-eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus).  She earned her Master of Science in Biology degree in Fañomnåkan (January-May) 2019.   

Kelokelo is a co-author of one publication and one manuscript on gonad histology and sex change in reef fishes. She is also preparing to submit for publication a manuscript based upon her thesis research.  Her advisor was Dr. Terry Donaldson.

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