Guam EPSCOR is a 5-year, $6 million grant at the University of Guam that aims to develop a Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium in order to ensure the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems in the face of environmental change. In addition to its research goals, Guam EPSCoR seeks to increase the number and diversity of students who choose Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers by engaging students in its Summer Research Experience Program.
The program enhances undergraduate curriculums with invaluable research experience and insight into career paths leading to masters and doctoral degrees. EPSCoR students in the REU Program may participate in field and lab studies that document coral reef ecosystems. Students will engage in biological sampling, mapping, videography, photography, oceanographic measurements and genetic analysis to better understand Guam’s corals.
The University of Guam and Research Corporation of the University of Guam are Equal Opportunity Employers that have received funding from the National Science Foundation to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields. As such, the Summer Research Experience Program remains open to all qualified students, but women, minorities, and students with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. Selected students must be available 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday for the duration of the summer program.
Program applications are due April 8, 2016 and internships begin May 25th through July 25th.
Program Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of Guam and at least 18 years old (Applicants under 18 require parent/guardian signature)
- Must be enrolled as an undergraduate in good academic standing
How to apply:
- Complete the online application form
- Provide at least 2 references
- Provide official transcripts to GSRSP/EPSCoR Offices at the Dean’s Circle House #33